
Seismic Rocks YouTube References

For each Seismic Rocks YouTube video, there is at least one PDF that is called "script." It is not actually a script but is the document that covers the same material. The script was written before the video (therefore the name "script"). There might be small differences between the script and the video, in content and the order of the material. Basically, they cover the same things, just in different formats.



Seismic Unix



Ubuntu: Install Seismic Unix

Below are two SU installation options. Choose one of them. The first option installs SU in your personal area; for example "/home/david". The second option installs SU in /usr; that is, just under the root directory "/". Either option works just fine. The first option is simpler because the second option requires a change to directory "permissions." If you do not have the ability to change permissions at the root level, you have to use the first installation option. I prefer the second option so I do not have the SU installation in my personal work area. However, again, either option works just fine.

  1. Install SU under /home/<user>

    Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

    YouTube video coming ... (?).

  2. Install SU under /usr

    Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

    YouTube video coming ... (?).



Plot option "perc"

Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video.



Endianness and suswapbytes

Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video.



Import & Export SEG-Y Files

Click here to download the PDF script for these videos.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video, "Part 1: Simple SEG-Y Import and Export."

Click here to download the ei.sgy dataset (2.4 MB) used in Part 1.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video, "Part 2: Complicated SEG-Y Import."

Click here to download the ts103828a.sgy dataset (5 MB) used in Part 2.



SU Programming, Part 1

Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video.



Technology: Linux Tips



Aliases and Hidden Files

Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video.

Click here to download my personal aliases file. To use this file (also explained in the script), change its name from "MyAliases.txt" to ".bash_aliases", put the file in your home directory, then in your home directory source your .bashrc file with the following command:

$   source   .bashrc

Assumption: These instructions are for the bash shell. If you are using a different shell, please use a search engine to figure out what this "aliases" file should be called for your shell and how to use it.



Make a linux file executable, chmod, PATH

Click here to download the PDF script for this video.

Click here to jump to the YouTube video.